Knowledge Center
Senior Companions Minimum Wage Rules by State
What are the minimum wage rules by state for senior companion caregivers? Employment law, wage and hour law, and payroll tax requirements for privately employed senior caregivers are governed by a complex assortment of Federal and state rules and legislation. The scope of duties is used on the Federal level to distinguish companionship care – […]
Senior Independence – Why Hire a Geriatric Care Manager?
The Geriatric Care Manager (GCM) is a care coordinator, educated and experienced in any of several fields related to senior care management, including, but not limited to nursing, gerontology, social work, or psychology, with a specialized focus on issues related to aging and elder care. The GCM will help the family plan and coordinate care […]
Family Caregiver Stress – Part II
Care For Your Emotional Health Along with the emotional rewards that may come from helping an older family member maintain safe and with a good quality of life, the responsibilities may take a toll on a caretaker’s emotional well-being. A reverse in roles when taking care of an aging parent can be especially difficult. When […]
What Does the Application Form Mean by Known Aliases?
What does the application form mean by known aliases? Why do hyphenated last names incur additional costs? How do I order searches for candidates with hyphenated last names? An alias name or AKA (also known as) is any name that has been used by the candidate in the past. Life events such as marriage and […]
Are records available for convictions prior to the age of 18?
Are records available for juvenile convictions prior to age 18? Unless the individual was tried and convicted as an adult, records of convictions prior to age 18 are unavailable when ordering a background check. Juvenile records are generally not open to the public. Job applicants are not required to tell potential employers about these crimes
Seniors and Driving: Assessing Safety
Most older Americans have been driving since they were teenagers and want to retain the independence that comes with being at the wheel. Growing older does not necessarily mean a driver is less capable; in fact, years of driving experience may make them a more conscientious driver. But changes that occur as we age, even […]
United Nations’ Staff Employing Domestics with G-5 Visas
HomeWork Solutions has many years of experience providing payroll and tax services to employer’s with domestics working in the US on a G-5 Visa. There are some wage and reporting requirements for this employment situation that are driven by the United Nations’ Secretariat Code of Conduct. All UN Staff holding an “G” category visa requesting […]
What else can a family do to verify the credentials of a nanny candidate?
Need some more nanny background check help? The following are some suggestions for nanny credential verification. These are in addition to a professional caregiver background check. Have the nanny/care giver complete a formal nanny job application and either fax or mail it to you. Require that the nanny show you original documents confirming her identity: drivers […]
Can an employer pay the nanny on the payroll of their own business?
Considering adding a nanny on business payroll? Nanny employers who own a business or a farm operated for profit can choose to include their nanny’s payroll in their 941 or 943 tax returns. The ‘nanny taxes’ are exactly the same employment taxes paid for other employees and do not require special calculation. What the sole […]
Nanny Fired: When are last wage payments due?
Whether the nanny is fired (involuntary separation, termination or discharge) or resigns (quits) voluntarily, state rules define how quickly the employer must give the final paycheck. Below is a state by state summary of separation payment rules as they apply to household employees.* May 2019 You MAY NOT withhold the final paycheck pending the return […]