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Caregiver Basics

  • Legal Nanny Payroll – How to Pay a Nanny Legally

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7J9UMKN_cc In the “nanny world”, the temptation to accept a job that pays CASH (off the books, no payroll or income tax reporting) is faced by every nanny. After all, who LIKES to pay taxes? Professional nannies know, however, that being paid legally is ultimately in their own best interest. Why? Read on to find […]

  • My Nanny Job Ended, Now What?

    Your relationship with your nanny family is strained and when they come home on Friday they tell you they no longer need your services. Things are going well, but your nanny family gives you two weeks’ notice that they have decided to put their 4 yr old into preschool. You can’t help but think to […]

  • Are you a household employer?

    What Your Family Needs to Know… At HWS, we are experts on the tax and labor laws surrounding household employment, so you don’t have to be. Let’s first determine whether YOU are a household employer. Our knowledge center goes into much more depth on the details, here it is short and simple. Our lives are busy, […]

  • I’m Working a Nanny Share Job, Does Having Two Bosses Change Anything with My Payroll and Taxes?

    Does having a nanny share job change my payroll and taxes? When you work in a nanny share arrangement with two families, both families become employers. Presuming that each pay you for the work performed for their individual family, each employer is responsible for withholding nanny share payroll taxes and the periodic remittances of payroll taxes. […]

  • I have someone working in my home. What taxes do I need to pay?

    In general, the Internal Revenue Service requires payroll tax filings by a domestic employer (household employer) who pays a housekeeper or other household employee more than $2,800 cash wages (2024) in a calendar year*. These payroll taxes are collectively referred to as “nanny taxes”, although as a practical matter these employment taxes are applied to […]

  • This is complicated…What are the risks if I ignore the Nanny Taxes?

    Household employment taxes are complicated! Learn more about what the risk factors are for ignoring nanny taxes below. Risks When You Ignore the Nanny Taxes We know that lots of families skip the the nanny tax. If you are thinking of going in that direction, please be sure you consider the following: Tax Fraud (a […]

  • Senior Companions Minimum Wage Rules by State

    What are the minimum wage rules by state for senior companion caregivers? Employment law, wage and hour law, and payroll tax requirements for privately employed senior caregivers are governed by a complex assortment of Federal and state rules and legislation. The scope of duties is used on the Federal level to distinguish companionship care – […]

  • How are the nanny’s (employee’s) payroll taxes paid?

    Whether your nanny works full-time, part-time or lives with your family, the odds are likely that in the eyes of federal and state governments, they are an employee of your household. That means that you, as the nanny’s employer, need to make sure that you’re following state, federal and local tax requirements, both when you […]

  • How often do I need to pay or remit the “nanny taxes”?

    Many wonder how to pay nanny taxes and how often to file. Understand that the federal and state filing schedules are NOT synchronized. Additionally, not all states have the same reporting schedule. Federal Employment Taxes: Employers of domestic workers must, at a minimum, make annual payments for Social Security, Medicare and Withheld Income Tax (if […]

  • I Want to Net a Take Home Pay of $600 a Week. A Family Just Offered Me a Job, but Listed a “Gross” Pay Rate, What Does That Mean?

    Many household employees expect to negotiate a “net wage” or “net take home pay” agreement with their employer. The net take home pay agreement is an unfamiliar concept for many nanny employers, and often the new employer does not fully understand the financial implications of a net pay agreement with the employee. A lack of […]