Knowledge Center
Niñera: ¿Trabajadora independiente o empleada?
Una pregunta recurrente para nuestro personal de atención al cliente se refiere a si una familia puede tratar a su niñera (u otro personal doméstico) como un trabajador independiente, proporcionar a la niñera un formulario 1099 en lugar de un W-2 y evitar todo el problema de los impuestos. Si responde SÍ a todas las […]
Pregunta de la niñera: ¿Qué hago? ¿No obtuve un W-2?
Cada primavera recibimos consultas de niñeras que no obtuvieron un W-2 de su empleador. Esto ocurre casi siempre cuando la familia ya no emplea a la niñera. Los siguientes son algunos consejos y pasos a seguir. El formulario W-2 vence el 31 de enero. El IRS le pide específicamente que le permita al empleador hasta […]
Quiero solicitar beneficios por desempleo. ¿Los conseguiré?
Tu familia niñera te dejó ir. Piensas para ti mismo: ¿cómo obtengo los Beneficios por desempleo? El acuerdo de trabajo entre usted y la familia se considera empleo a voluntad según el derecho consuetudinario de los EE. UU. A menos que el acuerdo de trabajo escrito especifique un término de contrato (lo cual es una […]
The Ultimate Nanny Tax Checklist for Household Employers in 2024
Congratulations! You are a household employer. Here’s your ultimate nanny tax checklist. As a household employer, staying compliant with nanny tax rules is crucial in 2024 and beyond. When you become a household employer you also have payroll tax and reporting obligations, the so-called nanny taxes. The family, and not the nanny, is ultimately responsible […]
Why Aren’t Arizona State Taxes Withheld from My Paycheck?
Arizona does not allow withholding to be deducted or retained from wages paid for domestic service in a private home. This does not mean that AZ income taxes are not due on these wages, it simply means the employer is unable to withhold and remit them for their household employees. If my employer cannot withhold my […]
Are you a household employer?
What Your Family Needs to Know… At HWS, we are experts on the tax and labor laws surrounding household employment, so you don’t have to be. Let’s first determine whether YOU are a household employer. Our knowledge center goes into much more depth on the details, here it is short and simple. Our lives are busy, […]
I’m Working a Nanny Share Job, Does Having Two Bosses Change Anything with My Payroll and Taxes?
Does having a nanny share job change my payroll and taxes? When you work in a nanny share arrangement with two families, both families become employers. Presuming that each pay you for the work performed for their individual family, each employer is responsible for withholding nanny share payroll taxes and the periodic remittances of payroll taxes. […]
Prevailing Wage for A-3 and G-5 Domestic Workers
NOTICE: Effective March 8, 2016 the 9 FAM 402.3-9(B)(4) notes have been updated to reflect a change in wage requirements for G-5 domestic workers, as well as A-3, B-1, and NATO-7 domestic workers. Effective immediately, all contracts for domestic workers must state an hourly wage to be paid to the domestic worker, and the rate must […]
U.S. Department of State Regulations: A-3 and G-5 Domestic Servant
The U.S. Department of State allows aliens who are diplomats, staff of certain international organizations (often referred to as NGOs or Non-Governmental Organizations), and NATO staff to bring into the United States their servants, personal attendants and other domestics provided certain conditions are met. The US Department of State’s Foreign Aid Manual (9 FAM §41.21, […]
What is included in the NannyVerify BASIC Background Check?
The basic nanny background check package from has two components: SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER TRACE: Verify SSN and current address. This is also used to determine a candidate’s previous residence(s), and any other names or aliases associated with that SSN for the past 7 years. Vital to determine if additional names or jurisdictions need to […]