HomeWork Solutions

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Financial Professionals

  • Can an employer pay the nanny on the payroll of their own business?

    Considering adding a nanny on business payroll? Nanny employers who own a business or a farm operated for profit can choose to include their nanny’s payroll in their 941 or 943 tax returns. The ‘nanny taxes’ are exactly the same employment taxes paid for other employees and do not require special calculation. What the sole […]

  • Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Overtime Rules and Domestic Employment

    Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) overtime rules and domestic employment are often misunderstood by the household employer. The temptation is to either agree to a weekly “salary”, agree to “average hourly rate” (pay $15 an hour for 45 hours for example) and or to average weeks (pay bi-weekly and average the two weeks hours to […]

  • Human Resource Services for the Household Employer

    It is rare to find a household with it’s own Human Resources Department. The good news is that HWS services go far beyond payroll and include many aspects of household HR functions. We’ve been helping clients understand the big picture of being a household employer since 1993 and are happy to do the same for […]