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Financial Professionals

  • Is Health Insurance for My Nanny or Senior Caregiver Taxable?

    Many employers understand that key benefits such as employer paid health insurance is an important employee recruitment and retention tool. Is health insurance taxable? Household employers with fewer than 50 household employees may reimburse health insurance premiums obtained in the individual marketplace on a tax free basis utilizing either a Qualified Small Employer Health Reimbursement Arrangement... Read more »
  • Are there tax breaks for dependent care? Does this apply when I hire an in-home caregiver?

    There are two popular strategies that families employing nannies or senior caregivers use to minimize their personal income taxes. Many families can utilize a flexible spending plan (cafeteria plan) offered by their employer for child and dependent care expenses. Your employer’s human resources department can provide you with plan details. Another strategy is the Child… Read more »

  • Human Resource Services for the Household Employer

    It is rare to find a household with it’s own Human Resources Department. The good news is that HWS services go far beyond payroll and include many aspects of household HR functions. We’ve been helping clients understand the big picture of being a household employer since 1993 and are happy to do the same for… Read more »