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Household Employees

  • My Nanny Job Ended, Now What?

    Your relationship with your nanny family is strained and when they come home on Friday they tell you they no longer need your services. Things are going well, but your nanny family gives you two weeks’ notice that they have decided to put their 4 yr old into preschool. You can’t help but think to […]

  • Why Aren’t Arizona State Taxes Withheld from My Paycheck?

    Arizona does not allow withholding to be deducted or retained from wages paid for domestic service in a private home. This does not mean that AZ income taxes are not due on these wages, it simply means the employer is unable to withhold and remit them for their household employees. If my employer cannot withhold my […]

  • I’m Working a Nanny Share Job, Does Having Two Bosses Change Anything with My Payroll and Taxes?

    Does having a nanny share job change my payroll and taxes? When you work in a nanny share arrangement with two families, both families become employers. Presuming that each pay you for the work performed for their individual family, each employer is responsible for withholding nanny share payroll taxes and the periodic remittances of payroll taxes. […]

  • I Want to Net a Take Home Pay of $600 a Week. A Family Just Offered Me a Job, but Listed a “Gross” Pay Rate, What Does That Mean?

    Many household employees expect to negotiate a “net wage” or “net take home pay” agreement with their employer. The net take home pay agreement is an unfamiliar concept for many nanny employers, and often the new employer does not fully understand the financial implications of a net pay agreement with the employee. A lack of […]

  • Great Options for Nanny Health Insurance Benefits

    More and more we’re getting nannies asking about how to get health insurance built into their compensation packages; we’re realizing many more employers asking how they can help with nanny health insurance benefits, too. That’s fantastic! Just knowing how to go about doing it is where things get confusing. Let’s consider the question: what’s a […]

  • I Want to Apply for Unemployment Benefits. Will I Get Them?

    Your nanny family let you go. You think to yourself: how do I get unemployment benefits? The working arrangement between you and the family is considered employment at-will under U.S. common law unless the written work agreement specifies a term of contract (which is a horrible idea). In broad terms, at-will employment means that employment is […]

  • Why Does My Nanny Family have to Pay Me Hourly? I Want a Salary.

    You landed a new job but you’re getting paid by the hour. You can’t help but ask yourself: “why does my nanny family give me hourly pay? I want a salary.” Nannies and other domestic employees are classified under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) as non-exempt. The term non-exempt employee refers to a worker who IS subject to the […]

  • Why Professional Nannies Want to be Paid Legally

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWZARvo4Jis In the “nanny world,” the temptation to accept a job that pays CASH (off the books, no payroll or income tax reporting) is faced by every nanny. After all, who LIKES to pay taxes? Professional nannies, however, understand nanny tax compliance and know that being paid legally is ultimately in their own best interest. […]

  • What payroll taxes does a nanny, or other household employee, pay?

    Nanny payroll taxes, what are they?  First it is important to understand that the so called “nanny taxes” apply to ALL household employees, not just nannies. The proper collection and remittance of payroll taxes protects the employer and the employee from the possibility of penalties and interest associated with unpaid back taxes. The employer is […]