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Household Employment

  • My nanny or caregiver is not a legal resident. What should I do about employment taxes for undocumented nanny?

    The Internal Revenue Code maintains that the immigration status of your nanny or other employee has no bearing on your obligation for nanny employment taxes. Immigration enforcement is focused on penalizing the EMPLOYERS – particularly prosecution for employment tax fraud. Employing an undocumented worker is a violation of immigration law. The employer’s risk here is […]

  • What do I do with the Wage and Benefit Audit form I received?

    States use a Wage and Benefit audit for many purposes. The state may be checking on taxpayer subsidized benefits that the worker is receiving such as Medicaid for a dependent child, or on the veracity of information the employee has previously provided for purposes of child support enforcement, wage garnishment for tax delinquencies, etc. The state will […]

  • Do the Nanny Tax rules ever change?

    Yes. The 1995 Federal legislation, the “simplification” of the nanny tax rules, began a cascade of changes that continues today. Nanny tax rules alone are not the only regulations the household employer must follow. Numerous changes to federal and state labor laws specifically impact household employers. Federal Employer Identification Number required for all household employers. […]