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Legal and Tax Issues
What about payroll taxes? Newborn Care Specialists & Temporary Nannies
Many newborn care specialists (NCS) and nannies work a series of short term assignments throughout the year. These can range from several days to several months, and this may be something that you’re used to doing on a regular basis. These types of situations can leave the NCS or nanny and their employer confused about […]
American Rescue Plan act of 2021 Tax Incentives for Household Employers & Employees
Never been a Better Time to Put Your Household Employees on Books The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 was passed on March 11, 2021 and offers much-needed financial relief to employers and employees alike. This $1.9 billion bill is intended to address the financial impact of COVID-19 by offering unemployment benefits, expanding tax credits, […]
Household Employment: Schedule H vs. 941
Household employers file and pay the exact same employment taxes as commercial employers do. The IRS established the Form 1040 Schedule H in 1995 to simplify and streamline the household payroll tax reporting. Often times, however, the household employer or their CPA are confused about the proper reporting and begin filing quarterly form 941 for […]
Legal Nanny Payroll – How to Pay a Nanny Legally In the “nanny world”, the temptation to accept a job that pays CASH (off the books, no payroll or income tax reporting) is faced by every nanny. After all, who LIKES to pay taxes? Professional nannies know, however, that being paid legally is ultimately in their own best interest. Why? Read on to find […]
Legal Nanny Payroll – It’s Worth It!
Many families mistakenly believe that paying their nanny cash, off the books, is easiest all around. After all, no complicated tax forms, the nanny takes home more money, the family doesn’t pay taxes, it sounds good all around. Until it isn’t good at all! The Family’s Risks Unemployment Claims: Nanny jobs are, by their nature, […]
Nanny Tax Deductions for Household Employers
As a family with household employees like a nanny, private senior caregiver, housekeeper or other domestic workers, you may be eligible for several tax deductions related to their employment costs. Taking advantage of these nanny tax deductions for household employers can provide substantial tax savings. Dependent Care Account If your family has a Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA) through […]
I have someone working in my home. What taxes do I need to pay?
In general, the Internal Revenue Service requires payroll tax filings by a domestic employer (household employer) who pays a housekeeper or other household employee more than $2,800 cash wages (2024) in a calendar year*. These payroll taxes are collectively referred to as “nanny taxes”, although as a practical matter these employment taxes are applied to […]
Emergency Nanny Income During a Pandemic (Old – Redirected)
17 March 2020 Summary Over the last several days, attempts to contain and slow the spread of the novel coronavirus are severely disrupting everyday life in the USA. Worries are running the gamut from, “Where can I find toilet paper?” to “I can’t work, I’m not being paid, how can I pay for toilet paper?” […]
So what are the payroll taxes household employers pay?
Nanny taxes, what are they? First it is important to understand the so called “nanny taxes” are not just for nannies! The Nanny Tax is a catchy phrase for headline writers! However, these are really household employment taxes and apply when you hire a nanny, housekeeper, maid, senior caregiver or other domestic worker. Household employers […]
Emergency Nanny Income During a Pandemic
19 March 2020 Summary Over the last several days, attempts to contain and slow the spread of the novel coronavirus have severely disrupted everyday life in the USA. Worries are running the gamut from, “Where can I find toilet paper?” to “I can’t work, I’m not being paid, how can I pay for toilet paper?” […]