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Senior Care Employers

  • Costs of Senior Home Care

    More families are considering the possibility of privately hiring senior home care for someone it their family as a way to help their loved ones age in place in a safe and happy environment. This is uncharted territory for most people, and adult children who may have hired nannies to care for their children years […]

  • Duties of a Companion Senior Caregiver

    Whether a senior caregiver is governed by Federal and State minimum wage and overtime laws hinges on two key elements. Who is the employer? What are the duties in the senior companion caregiver job description? Employment law, wage and hour law, and payroll tax requirements for privately employed companion senior caregivers (whether direct hire or […]

  • Guide to Privately Hiring Senior Home Care

    Families of aging seniors are confronted with many choices as they navigate options to help maintain a healthy and productive life for elderly family members.  Home safety, medication management and transportation are key concerns for every family facing the naturally changing capacities seniors face as they age.  In fact, according to the Congressional Budget Office, […]

  • Household Employment: Schedule H vs. 941

    Household employers file and pay the exact same employment taxes as commercial employers do. The IRS established the Form 1040 Schedule H in 1995 to simplify and streamline the household payroll tax reporting. Often times, however, the household employer or their CPA are confused about the proper reporting and begin filing quarterly form 941 for […]

  • State Overtime Rules Senior Care Companions

    Today’s retired seniors by an overwhelming 9:1 ratio fully expect to “age in place,” staying in their private homes as long as they can and resisting moves to institutionalized settings. Increasingly these seniors private hire senior caregivers who help with mobility challenges, transportation and general household activities as a way to stay in their homes. […]

  • Understanding Senior Heath: When is Help Needed?

    Senior health  challenges afflict not only the aging, but an increasing number of adult children now caring for their parents. When is outside help needed to help your aging parent age in place? Monitoring an aging parent’s health Each year, projections for the average life expectancy of Americans trend up. There are differences by gender, […]

  • Senior Caregiver Hiring: Employee or Independent Contractor

    The IRS is increasing its focus on improperly classified domestic workers, including those hired as senior home care professionals. As an employer of a household employee, you must be aware of these changes for tax season. Misclassifying a household employee as an independent contractor can expose the household employer to multiple risks. An adult over […]

  • 7 Rules When Hiring Senior Home Care

    When hiring senior home care you must approach this methodically and not skip important steps. 1. Job Description and Household Rules Your first step is to do a needs assessment. The more specifically you can identify your senior’s needs – physical, medical and emotional – the better equipped you will be to define senior home […]

  • 4 Common Errors: The Nanny or Senior Caregiver Compensation Offer

    You have a new baby in the house, you are not sleeping well, and you need to line up a great nanny before you return to work. Or mom is declining and you have to hire a senior caregiver to stay with her while you are working because she just is not safe alone any […]

  • G-5 Employee Workers’ Compensation Insurance

    Workers’ Compensation is insurance protection mandated under state law for a worker and his or her dependents against injury and death occurring in the course of employment. It is not health insurance, and it is not intended to compensate for a disability other than disability caused by injury arising out of employment. If your employee, […]