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Senior Care Employers

  • Trust Company Liable for Non-payment of “Nanny Taxes”?

  • Emergency Nanny Income During a Pandemic

    19 March 2020 Summary Over the last several days, attempts to contain and slow the spread of the novel coronavirus have severely disrupted everyday life in the USA. Worries are running the gamut from, “Where can I find toilet paper?” to “I can’t work, I’m not being paid, how can I pay for toilet paper?” […]

  • Why can’t we just pay Mom’s senior caregiver/housekeeper a salary?

    Senior caregivers are hourly employees under the law. Housekeepers and senior caregivers who are not “companions” are classified under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) as hourly employees entitled to minimum wage and overtime (non-exempt). The term non-exempt employee refers to a worker who IS subject to the terms of the FLSA regarding such issues […]

  • Do I need to pay my senior caregiver overtime or minimum wage?

    The nature of the services you require from your senior caregiver determine your obligations for overtime and minimum wage payments. Domestic employees, including  senior caregivers, have been covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) since 1974. Please note that many states have stricter laws and standards for home care assistance pay than the FLSA, […]

  • About Household Employee Workers’ Compensation Insurance

    Household employee workers’ compensation insurance protects the caregiver and the employer from the expenses and liabilities associated with a work-related accident.  A single accident can leave the household employer liable for thousands of dollars in medical bills.  Don’t assume that this liability is covered under your Homeowner’s Insurance Policy! Last updated June 28, 2024 Most […]

  • My wife requires help that I cannot physically provide. Can I hire my daughter as a caregiver?

    Considering hiring a family member as a caregiver for in-home care– whether for a baby or an aging senior? Families often engage a family member to provide elder care services and wish to fairly compensate them for their work. For more information on the rules governing hiring a family member as a caregiver, consult IRS […]

  • Background Screening for Senior Home Care

    Our aging parents deal with physical and sometimes mental declines that challenge their ability to completely take care of themselves on their own.  They don’t like the idea of moving out of their homes to a senior care facility.  How will they safely age at home, in a safe and happy environment? Today an estimated […]

  • Family Caregiver Stress – Part I

    Tips for Managing Your Physical Health While Caring for an Aging Family Member In today’s world, with increasing life expectancies and the growing need for assistance among older adults, more individuals find themselves taking on the role of caregiver for aging family members. AARP survey data shows that 77 percent of adults 50 and older […]

  • How to Create a Senior Home Care Work Agreement

    Be specific and avoid misunderstanding How do you create a work agreement for senior home care? Think about the conflicts you encounter in everyday life, and you’ll recognize the role of details in smooth operations and peaceful negotiations.  This is the foundation of a senior home care work agreement. As you embark on the critical […]

  • Senior Companions Minimum Wage Rules by State

    What are the minimum wage rules by state for senior companion caregivers? Employment law, wage and hour law, and payroll tax requirements for privately employed senior caregivers are governed by a complex assortment of Federal and state rules and legislation. The scope of duties is used on the Federal level to distinguish companionship care – […]