HomeWork Solutions

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Special Situations

  • Understanding Senior Heath: When is Help Needed?

    Senior health  challenges afflict not only the aging, but an increasing number of adult children now caring for their parents. When is outside help needed to help your aging parent age in place? Monitoring an aging parent’s health Each year, projections for the average life expectancy of Americans trend up. There are differences by gender, […]

  • Emergency Nanny Income During a Pandemic (Old – Redirected)

    17 March 2020 Summary Over the last several days, attempts to contain and slow the spread of the novel coronavirus are severely disrupting everyday life in the USA. Worries are running the gamut from, “Where can I find toilet paper?” to “I can’t work, I’m not being paid, how can I pay for toilet paper?” […]

  • Should We Consider a Private Educator?

    Parents begin consideration and planning for their children’s education from the moment of birth. The typical progression through preschool,  elementary, and secondary schools meets the needs of most families, but not all. When the traditional route is not a good fit, families may consider home-schooling  or engaging a private educator. Why do families consider private […]

  • Emergency Nanny Income During a Pandemic

    19 March 2020 Summary Over the last several days, attempts to contain and slow the spread of the novel coronavirus have severely disrupted everyday life in the USA. Worries are running the gamut from, “Where can I find toilet paper?” to “I can’t work, I’m not being paid, how can I pay for toilet paper?” […]

  • Is it legal for a nanny to be employed by a family office?

    What is a family office? The first step to understanding the difference between being employed by a family and family office employment is to understand the purpose of a family office. A family office may be an advisory firm that focuses on private wealth management or a separate legal entity that has been created to manage often […]

  • My wife requires help that I cannot physically provide. Can I hire my daughter as a caregiver?

    Considering hiring a family member as a caregiver for in-home care– whether for a baby or an aging senior? Families often engage a family member to provide elder care services and wish to fairly compensate them for their work. For more information on the rules governing hiring a family member as a caregiver, consult IRS […]

  • Senior Independence – Why Hire a Geriatric Care Manager?

    The Geriatric Care Manager (GCM) is a care coordinator, educated and experienced in any of several fields related to senior care management, including, but not limited to nursing, gerontology, social work, or psychology, with a specialized focus on issues related to aging and elder care. The GCM will help the family plan and coordinate care […]

  • New Hire Reporting Information

    Federal legislation has mandated that all states implement New Hire Registration Programs to track individual employment data for purposes of expedited child support enforcement and fraud control of various welfare programs. Home/Work Solutions will do the necessary New Hire Reporting for all NaniTax and NaniPay clients. Also, see our nanny background check services page for […]

  • Do I have to pay payroll taxes for the cleaning lady that comes weekly?

    Video: Cleaning Lady…Employee or Independent Contractor? https://youtu.be/qXV9870o5MM Is a regular cleaning lady subject to the nanny taxes? Is the cleaning lady or housekeeper a household employee? Any individual whom you employ to provide services in your home whom you pay directly AND whose total payments in the calendar year meets the IRS household employment threshold, […]

  • Do au pairs have to pay nanny taxes?

    Do au pairs have to pay nanny tax? The short answer is while Federal and state payroll taxes – Social Security, Medicare, and Unemployment Tax – do not apply to au pairs, state and federal employment laws DO. This means that au pair compensation needs to adhere to the greater of the Federal, state or […]