Knowledge Center
Can an employer pay the nanny on the payroll of their own business?
Considering adding a nanny on business payroll? Nanny employers who own a business or a farm operated for profit can choose to include their nanny’s payroll in their 941 or 943 tax returns. The ‘nanny taxes’ are exactly the same employment taxes paid for other employees and do not require special calculation. What the sole […]
Nanny Fired: When are last wage payments due?
Whether the nanny is fired (involuntary separation, termination or discharge) or resigns (quits) voluntarily, state rules define how quickly the employer must give the final paycheck. Below is a state by state summary of separation payment rules as they apply to household employees.* May 2019 You MAY NOT withhold the final paycheck pending the return […]
Nanny Terminated: Do I have to pay out Vacation or Sick Time?
When your household employee – whether a nanny, housekeeper, senior caregiver or other – leaves your employment many states require that you pay out her earned but unused vacation time. Generally, it doesn’t matter if the separation of employment is voluntary or involuntary. If you have a separate bank for sick time, that is excluded […]
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Overtime Rules and Domestic Employment
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) overtime rules and domestic employment are often misunderstood by the household employer. The temptation is to either agree to a weekly “salary”, agree to “average hourly rate” (pay $15 an hour for 45 hours for example) and or to average weeks (pay bi-weekly and average the two weeks hours to […]
How to File and Pay Virginia Withholding Electronically
The Virginia Department of Revenue is requiring e-filing of employer withholding tax returns and payments. Here are some tips for filing and paying the Virginia employer withholding tax. Household employers find that eForms is an easy and intuitive filing scheme. Whether you have little to no computer experience or you are an expert, eForms is the […]
I hired a nanny. What about household employers workers’ compensation and disability insurance?
SUMMARY: State insurance regulations determine when household employers workers’ compensation and disability insurance are required. The rules vary by state. We recommend meeting with a licensed insurance broker to review all of your insurance needs when you become a household employer. HWS has a licensed insurance partner who will provide HWS clients a no obligation […]
I Want to Net a Take Home Pay of $600 a Week. A Family Just Offered Me a Job, but Listed a “Gross” Pay Rate, What Does That Mean?
Many household employees expect to negotiate a “net wage” or “net take home pay” agreement with their employer. The net take home pay agreement is an unfamiliar concept for many nanny employers, and often the new employer does not fully understand the financial implications of a net pay agreement with the employee. A lack of […]
New Hire Reporting Information
Federal legislation has mandated that all states implement New Hire Registration Programs to track individual employment data for purposes of expedited child support enforcement and fraud control of various welfare programs. Home/Work Solutions will do the necessary New Hire Reporting for all NaniTax and NaniPay clients. Also, see our nanny background check services page for […]
Overtime Rules for Senior Home Care Workers
Direct hiring of senior caregivers by families continues to increase, and families have questions about minimum wage, overtime rules for senior home care workers, and questions about what constitutes payable hours during the care day. Senior Home Care Overtime Law and Minimum Wage The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) applies minimum wage and overtime rules […]
Do I have to pay payroll taxes for the cleaning lady that comes weekly?
Video: Cleaning Lady…Employee or Independent Contractor? Is a regular cleaning lady subject to the nanny taxes? Is the cleaning lady or housekeeper a household employee? Any individual whom you employ to provide services in your home whom you pay directly AND whose total payments in the calendar year meets the IRS household employment threshold, […]