HomeWork Solutions

Is the Basic nanny background screening enough to thoroughly check a nanny?

The Basic nanny background screening is a good starting point to screen a nanny. Included in the basic nanny background check is a Social Security Number (SSN) trace, which will reveal all names and addresses known to credit bureaus associated with the applicant’s SSN. Most families find, however, that the history of the individual nanny applicant and the nature of the job necessitates adding different searches to be thorough.

At a minimum, all names and all addresses that were found by the SSN trace should have in-court county level records checked. Criminal records are only found when BOTH the name searched and the DOB match exactly. Criminal records are NOT referenced to a social security number.

It is very common for the more mature candidates to have the possibility of criminal records under different names as a result of marriage and/or divorce. Families often learn information in a basic nanny background check that causes them to expand the initial search. Items may be added for up to 30 days beyond the initial search.

There are optional searches to help families to screen a nanny. They include:

Caregiver and Nanny Background Check Guide